Free up Precious Space 
 in the Garage, Storeroom or Basement. 
What is PARKIS?
PARKIS-an easy and smart bicycle parking! It is an automatized bicycle parking lift, which allows you to vertically store your bicycle without any physical efforts. PARKIS lets you free up precious storage floor space in the garage or storeroom. It is eco-friendly, entirely mechanical and does not require electricity.

What is THINstem?

THINstem is an affordable folding stem replacement. 

It's easy to install and requires no special tools. Go from full size riding mode to portable. THIN bike walking or storage mode instantly! Make your bike over 60% thinner and save loads of space! Perfect for condos, garages, hallways, car racks and more!

What is Wheely Lift?

The idea behind  Wheelylift is very simple: hanging bicycles vertically saves a lot of space.

The space savings that the vertical suspension of the bicycles yielded could be up to 60 percent in a garage, basement or shed.

Wheelylift refined the product and made the storage system suitable for everyone.

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